History of Coffee
Ethiopia The coffee plant was discovered in Ethiopia in the 10th Century and has a white blossom that smells like jasmine and a red, cherry-like fruit. Back then, the leaves of the so-called "magical fruit" were boiled in water and the resulting concoction was thought to have medicinal properties. As the fame of the coffee plant spread to other lands, its centuries-long voyage was about to begin. Yemen Coffee spread quickly through the Arabian Peninsula,
When and How Europe and Coffee Began Their Love Affair
Coffee was first discovered in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), and was initially consumed as a food. Later, its fruits were boiled in water, and this was used for medical purposes, and coffee became known as the ‘magic fruit’. Coffee also became known in Yemen around the beginning of the 15th century, and began to be widely used in this geographical region at the end of this century. It was taken to Mecca and Cairo
Where is coffee come from?
Whatever the song suggests, coffee does not come just from Brazil - right round the world, along the equator and between the two tropics, there are coffee growing areas, and there are vast differences in what they turn out. On the one hand, Hawaii has always imposed import limits on coffee and heavily promoted its exports, so local growers are content and well treated. On the other hand, Oxfam has recently caused a