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Many renowned musicians have been inspired by coffee, and Antonio Vivaldi and Carlo Goldoni even composed a work entitled "La Bottega del Caffe". Yet the musician on whom coffee had the greatest impact must be J.S. Bach. This great musician poured his love of coffee into the notes of the Coffee Cantata, which was published in Leipzig in 1732. Bach composed the Coffee Cantata around a poem by Picander. Bach was inspired

1. Coffee was first known in Europe as Arabian Wine. 2. The Arabs are generally believed to be the first to brew coffee. 3. Milk as an additive to coffee became popular in the 1680's, when a French physician recommended that cafe au lait be used for medicinal purposes. 4. The first Parisian cafe opened in 1689 to serve coffee. 5. Bach wrote a coffee cantata in 1732. 6. In the year 1763, there were over 200

About Coffee, the World, Vienna and the Central ‘But the coffee house is still the best place to keep up with all the news. To understand this, one must understand that the Viennese coffee house is an institution without parallel anywhere else in the world. As a matter of fact, it is a sort of democratic club, where the cost of admission is no more than the price of a cup of coffee’. Stefan